A woman holding a crystal pyramid ih her hand
Here you can find more information about each of the methods I use in my yoga and healing practice. If you are not sure which one is best suited for you, feel free to contact me for advice.
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Kundalini Yoga
as taught by Yogi Bhajan

"When the Divine in you, and the human in you are in parallel unisonness, then you are in the Eleventh Body . You have no duality, you have divine vision, and the truth flows from you. You don’t have to find anything outside of you. The jewels are all in you… you are rich inside, you have satisfaction and contentment.”

- Yogi Bhajan -
A woman meditating beside the river

Kundalini Yoga is a place of transformation, is not to be taken lightly. It is like an express train that shakes and wakes you up! We awaken the energy of consciousness, to practice in a way that sheds light on our self-imposed limitations, and invites us to think out of the box and develop our intuitive mind. Being able to live from our intuitive mind is one of the main goals of a Kundalini practitioner.

The kriyas and meditations are much more specific than your regular flow class. Kriyas are a specific set of exercises that generate energy, organize that energy and deliver you to a specific energetic state — particularly one of greater awareness. Within the practice are built-in moments of stillness where we sit quietly and awaken to our Self.

The breathwork within the kriyas is so powerful that it starts to strip away the layers that veil our consciousness, and in the sweet moments between poses we can sense the fullness of who we are. The kriyas work on strengthening your nervous system, balancing your glandular system, purifying the body and calming the mind. In Kundalini yoga we also chant mantras. These mantras contain the vibrations of peace, prosperity and connection

I can confirm that trough Kundalini Yoga we are strengthening the muscle our spirit and would sincerely encourage you to have an experience of Kundalini Yoga for yourself. It will add depth to your existing practice and to your life.

No previous experience necessary, just come as you are! Welcome to the journey!

Yin Yoga

is a slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, incorporating principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles. Yin Yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, fasciae, and ligaments — with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. A more meditative approach to yoga, its goals are awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnecting quality.

Two women meditating
A woman practicing yoga
People during yoga class


Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”.

A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness. It can be done in person but also works on distance as energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present. We are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. Distant healings are ideal for those who don’t live in a reasonable distance from a practitioner, people who don’t have the means to travel to and from a healers office, or if you don’t particularly like someone touching you, a distance healer can provide the same benefit without the need to physically touch.

Those who are interested in receiving a Reiki healing session do not have to be suffering from any type of illness to benefit from a session. Sessions can help keep the energy channels open, decreasing the likelihood of illness due to blocked Chakras. Sessions are affordable and keep your privacy intact.

You can also order distant healing for your loved ones. While it is best if they are aware they are receiving a remote Reiki treatment so they can be open to receiving the most benefit, even if they aren’t aware then we can send Reiki with the intention that they receive based on their own free will, asking their spirit guide (energy guide) to make the connection and ask permission.

Try a remote Reiki Session for yourself and experience the benefits. Don’t be surprised if it becomes your preferred method of healing!

I was trained by incredible, powerful, funny, and super interesting woman Shanti Jee, who has been living in India for over 40 years, including 10 years in Osho's ashram in Puneand went to Oregon where she was one of the first ones sharing Reiki magic.

Reiki is such an interesting and mystical healing technique and I'm so happy to have it in my toolbox.

A man lying down while a healer has her hands on his chest
A man lying down while a healer has her hands on his face

Shamanic Breathwork

Drawing of a woman breathing out flowers representing energy flow

Powerful breathing technique for emotional and energetic cleansing. A wonderful technique to discover new possibilities for growth/healing/awakening, no matter where you are on your path.

Since our birth our body is reservoir for all the shock - reactions, where we instictively block our breathing. Wrong breathing disturbes physiological functions, blocks ability to express ourselves and determines our behaviour. Shamanic Healing Breathwork is an integrated methode which energises, opens and balances your whole being, supports your body's natural proces for release of the emotional trauma, old restriction patterns chronic and physical & mental tension.

The results are more power, clarity in our life, in our thoughts in our feelings, less addictive attitudes, more self confidence, and fun. It’s is a simple technique, but it's one of the deepest experiences to explore altered states of conciousness, it mimics the effect of DMT experience.

Technique is not suitable for people with :
  • high blood pressure/ heart problems
  • epilepsy or other convulsive attacks
  • glaucoma
  • pregnancy
  • psychosis or other serious mental illness
  • strong asthma
Duration: Up to 2h and 30 min
Our breath is our healer, I'm looking forward to breathe together .
Two women during a shamanic breathwork ceremony
Two women during a shamanic breathwork ceremony