Yoga class on a rooftop
People sitting on the floor practicing yoga
People standing in a circle
People taking a group picture after a succesful yoga traning
Three women leading a yoga class
Three girls dressed in white hugging
People preparing a room for yoga class
Group of people performing a yoga ceremony on the beach
People standing in a river with bowl of flowers
People dancing in yoga class
A woman sitting on a yoga mat
Women in a peaceful yoga pose
A woman laughing in yoga class
A man lying on the floor on a yoga mat
People lying on the floor in yoga class
Picture on a mans arm during yoga class
Two women hugging
A woman in white praying
A woman in red dress
A woman doing a cobra pose in nature
A woman in a standing yoga pose in front of a monument
A woman in nature in a standing yoga pose
People meditating in yoga class
A woman in a white dress with open arms